Since the crisis for so many people in the Middle East and Africa escalated, some years ago, I wondered what I could do, so when the idea of T4K was suggested, I felt “this is the right movement for me.”

It wasn’t even an organisation then. I like that it is a group formed of people of all backgrounds and ages and races and status, some migrants themselves, some local citizens who want to present a challenge to the government’s “hostile environment,” which has resulted in such injustice and cruelty.

I like also that it is a very horizontal organisation, where volunteers can be involved in framing policy, fund-raising, and in whichever other aspects of the work appeal to their skills and talents. There is a lot to do.

I think T4K is probably unique, but I see no reason why it should not be a template for community groups in other towns. We get support and advice from NACCOM, the national umbrella organisation for charities working to house destitute migrants.

All our funding, however, is raised locally, mainly in micro-donations; we do not seek grants from large charitable foundations or corporations, and our overheads are next to none. It is sometimes hard work, but there have been real achievements. I feel proud to be associated with T4K.